Thursday, November 4, 2010


# Ectopic heartbeat is an irregularity of the heart rate and heart rhythm involving extra or skipped heartbeats. Ectopic heartbeats are really just extra beats that make the heart 'bump' irregularly from time to time

# Ectopic heartbeats are small variations in an otherwise normal heartbeat that causes an irregular pulse. They may occur without an obvious cause and are usually harmless.

# Sometimes they are associated with chemical (electrolyte) problems in the blood, which need treatment. They can also happen with ischemia caused by a decrease in blood supply to the heart.

The difficulty with ectopic beats is that they tend to be more frequent and more noticeable when you're stressed or worried.

It is possible to find yourself in a bit of a vicious cycle with the ectopic beats adding to your anxiety and causing more palpitations.

Any additional unpleasant stress, such as period problems, is likely to add to your symptoms for the same reason.

# Ectopic beats were found in normal people who did not even feel that they had them. Even though there are causes of ectopic beats and they are various and they include:

1. Drinking too much caffeinated beverages.
2. Drinking alcohol.
3. Smoking cigarettes.
4. Exhaustion.
5. Not getting enough sleep.
6. Abnormal electrolytes in the blood.
7. Having a hyperactive thyroid gland.

# The ectopic beats, if they are few and far between, may be ignored. If you are anxious and ECG does not show anything, testing with Holter Monitor will find the answer.

# In adults, ectopic beats are common. Their causes should be investigated even if it turns out that no treatment is needed.

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